Invest in SA Invest in a Learner
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Primary School
Your contribution per Learner will be :High School
Your contribution per Learner will be :Other " Invest in a Learner " options are available upon request.
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A few words from our executive head.
Thank you for showing interest in our “Invest in a Learner” programme and understanding the importance of education in our country.
Our school has been a successful business for longer than 34 years and in that time period, we have created a unique blend of world-leading disciplines combined with “homestyle” teaching which we have embraced. We enjoy a proactive, interactive collaboration where learners discover the answers by research and self discovery. Hence, many of our Learners are “free thinkers” who have learnt to search for the truths. We are involved with differential education where each child is allowed to see possibilities by using their own skill sets, be that by sight, smell, touch or listening. Education works better if you learn it your unique way instead of a common forced system.
Using these two methods, plus allowing children to discover facts prior to being taught it, makes for an understanding rather than learnt system – allows for a more creative child and outcomes.
We believe this is what is needed and it should be the new face of education moving forward.
We are inviting you to partner with us in educating all children from all walks of life for the betterment of our country. This beautiful country can be so much stronger and dynamic if we all come together and see the benefit of a good educational system.